Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken

March 12, 2014

Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken | Sarcastic Cooking

Dear Andy,

Let me start off by saying that I love you. That is the most important thing to remember as you read the rest of this testimonial. I am sorry that only a few moments ago, I shoved you off to your Dad and grunted, “You take him!”

You are driving me to take solace in Jumble Nut cookies from Whole Foods and boxed red wine. I have to buy boxed wine now because the cookies from Whole Foods are so dang expensive! I would much rather spend money on you than cookies! Oh crap, a crumb of cookie just fell down my nursing bra as I tried to furiously type and stress-eat at the same time. Well, that will be a treat for you for later.

My darling child, I do not know why you want to fight me and sleep. Don’t you get tired of waking up every thirty minutes or when I go to place you in your crib during your designated nap time? Don’t you know I have a blog to run and recipes that need cooking? Yes, I know that sounds selfish, and in a way it is, but I just want the best for you. Honestly, you are way more pleasant to be around after a few solid hours of snoozing in the afternoon.

Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken

And, Mommy is a lot more of a pleasant person too!

I know there will be times in your life in which you think what I want you to do is lame or wrong and I get it. I am expecting that. I just wasn’t expecting it to start so soon. I am sure one day you will look at me, as I did with my Mom, and tell me you are sick of my favorite go to chicken dish and you want to become a vegetarian now. I will be ready for that…. Hopefully…. Eventually.

For now though, I would just like to wipe the slate clean after the nap battle and try and have a better day tomorrow.

I love you.


P.S. Please stop being such an asshole.

P.P.S. An asshole that I love dearly!

Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken

Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken

Super easy to make lemony and peppery chicken that is great over rice, potatoes, or cheesy polenta.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Servings 6 Thighs


  • ¼ Cup Diced Onion
  • 1 Clove Garlic grated
  • 1 Sprig Thyme
  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • ½ Cup Vegetable/Chicken Stock
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • Pinch of Salt
  • 1 ½ Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 6 Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs
  • 3 Slices of Lemon
  • Zest of 1 Lemon
  • Fresh Basil chopped (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  2. In a medium/large baking dish, combine onion, garlic, thyme, olive oil, stock, lemon juice, and ½ teaspoon black pepper. Give a little mix.
  3. Nestle the chicken thighs down in the sauce. Season the chicken thighs with salt, teaspoon of pepper, and lemon zest. Top three of the thighs with lemon slices.
  4. Bake chicken for 45-50 minutes until internal temperature is 165 degrees F. Remove the thyme stem. Top with chopped basil and then serve.
  5. Chicken and sauce goes great over rice, mashed potatoes, or cheesy polenta.

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  • yummytummytales
    March 16, 2014 at 1:34 pm

    Lemon and pepper go so well with chicken. Love the pictures. So perfect!

  • Nora
    March 15, 2014 at 7:34 pm

    Umm…..I’m making this right now! The oven should be at what temp?

    • Stefanie
      March 15, 2014 at 8:38 pm

      Oh shoot! 375 F.

  • Susan
    March 13, 2014 at 10:49 am

    This is why I’m sticking with pugs. Although he can be a little asshole sometimes too. Too bad a 15 minute play session doesn’t knock him for an hour nap. One can only wish right? 🙂 On the bright side, you did manage to get some tasty looking chicken made!

  • Christine @ Cooking with Cakes
    March 12, 2014 at 2:37 pm

    I love one-disk baked dinners like this – so easy, healthy, and delish! (also pretty, bc I’m shallow and that counts too)

  • cheri
    March 12, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    Sounds so familiar, ha! ha! This to will pass. Love the way you presented your chicken, looks so darn good.

  • Deb
    March 12, 2014 at 12:41 pm

    You are too freaking funny!!! honestly. I love your posts 🙂 thanks

  • Terri
    March 12, 2014 at 10:12 am

    hello mom you are just a normal mom and Andi is precious and yes this will go on forever and that annoying part will too cause Andi is normal too! Have abetter day get a nap with Andi!

  • julia
    March 12, 2014 at 9:05 am

    This looks awesome! I love lemon so I am totally trying this.

    Oh and sleep, what is that?? 😉

  • Kayle (The Cooking Actress)
    March 12, 2014 at 8:49 am

    bahahahaaaa omgeeee Stef! I love you! And poor little sleepy Andy! I’ve been babysitting for a 20 month old 3 times a week, she has a brand new (2 week old) brother and yeah the naps….they’re super necessary. It’s the worst when the 20 month old wakes up from her nap after like 45 minutes….because then she’s just a cranky pants the rest of the day. Ughsies. So. I hope Andy gets nicer and realizes how lovely sleep is! 😛

    And this chicken looks yummy. The end.